MS Jess Faulds MS Jess Faulds

Today I Said Good-bye to my Diagnosis

Today I say goodbye to MS

Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at the tender age of 15 was a life-altering moment for me. The uncertainty, the fear, and the countless challenges seemed insurmountable at times. But here I am, 17 years later, at 32, able to proudly declare that I am MS-free. Yes, you read that right—I beat MS.

It's a victory that not many can claim, and one that some may find hard to believe. Even I had moments of doubt along the way. But as surreal as it may seem, even my doctors affirm the truth of my triumph.

Just last month, during my yearly check-up with my neurologist—marking five years since my stem cell transplant—I experienced something truly extraordinary. As we wrapped up the appointment, my neurologist dropped a bombshell: my Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score was now a pristine 0. For those unfamiliar, this essentially means I am now symptom-free.

But the surreal moment didn't end there. As I casually asked my doctor to fill out my driver's medical form—a requirement in Alberta for individuals with diagnosed conditions like MS—he hesitated. He couldn't fathom why I even needed such documentation. Instead, he offered to write me a letter declaring what I had scarcely dared to hope for: I no longer have MS. I am cured.

I sat there, holding that letter in my hands, feeling a wave of emotions wash over me. Relief, joy, disbelief—all mingled into one overwhelming sensation. It was official. I had conquered MS, and the Alberta Government could now consider my MS a thing of the past.

But this victory doesn't mark the end of my journey. While I may no longer be bound by the chains of MS, I understand the importance of continued vigilance. Yearly monitoring will remain a part of my routine, a small price to pay for the freedom I now enjoy.

To those battling MS or any other chronic illness, I offer a message of hope. Never underestimate the resilience of the human spirit. Even in the darkest of times, there is light. And sometimes, against all odds, miracles happen.

As I bid farewell to MS, I embrace the future with open arms, knowing that I am stronger than I ever thought possible. This isn't just my victory—it's a testament to the power of determination, the unwavering support of loved ones, the remarkable advancements of modern medicine and the plant-based diet that got me through.

So here's to new beginnings, to conquering the impossible, and to saying goodbye to MS—for good.

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